Are Ole Photography

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10 Essential photography tips for Beginners.

My name is Are Ole, i have been a keen hoby photographer since 2007. Over the last 16 years i had a lot of trial and eror in photography.In this article i will give those of you who are new to photography, 10 essential tips which i have gathered over the last 16 years of shooting photos, so you don’t have to repete my mistakes.


1.To become a good photographer, take more photos

If you want to get good at anything in life, there is usually only one way forward , and that is doing more of the thing you want to become good at. The more you use your camera, the more photos you take , the more your style and skills will develope.

2.Shot in Raw format and learn photo edeting

If you want to develope your photography skill and style, it is inevitable that you learn how to edit and correct your photos in post production. Think of photo editing as a modern dark room and Raw format as a digital negative. A raw photo, also contains much more information than f.eks a JPG. A JPG file is compressed and already edited by your camera, while Raw files are un-compressed and untouched by camera software. Whit a raw file it's up to you to add sharpness, noise reduction, color corections etc. The best editing software in my opinion is Adobe lightroom and photoshop, but this is of course, up to each and everyone to form a opinion about.

3.Chase good light.

Photography is the art of capturing light, and the best light for landscape photos is when the sun is closer to the horizon and give that soft, vibrant and colorful light.

4. Use composition rules

There are many ways of composing a photo, the most well known is the rule of thirds. This also the easiest method of composition and the one you should start implementing first. Divide your frame with three vertical lines and two horizontal lines and place the most interesting part of your photo where those lines intersect.

5. Learn the basic camera controls.

Learn how to operate your camera. The most significant camera controls to learn is: Shutter speed, aperture, iso and white balance.

learn the basics of your camera 👇

6. A expensive lense is more worth than a expensive camera.

most modern Cameras are so good and have fuctions and capabileties we could only dream about 15 years ago. However a good lens is a good lens even if it’s 30 years old. My favorite lens is a 30 year old Minolta lens. Lenses also tend to keep their value much longer than camera houses. So invest in better lenses before you buy a new camera.

7. Plan your shots

Use your favorite weather app or a app like photophills, to see what the sun or moon is doing. Is there any particular weather app you like, use it to plan your photos.

8. Don’t get caught up in the hunt for the latest and greatest equipment

your camera is probably good enough. Use your hard earned money on a photography course, workshop, book or travling to a new destination, this will help your photography much more than any new camera can do.

9. Get a Tripod

If you plan on photographing the night sky, aurora borealis or just want to get the sharpest photos possible, get a .

10.Have funn and take loads and loads of photos.

See this gallery in the original post