The role of light in landscape photography: Tips for capturing the perfect shot

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Light is perhaps the most important element in landscape photography. It can make or break a shot, and learning how to use it to your advantage is crucial to capturing stunning images. Here are a few tips for using light in landscape photography:

Shoot during the golden hours.

The golden hours are the times around sunrise and sunset when the light is warm and golden. This is often the most beautiful light for landscape photography, as it adds warmth and depth to the scene.

this photo both a nd 64 and a circular polarizing filter was used. Polarizing filters are great for reduceing reflections and enhanceing colors.

Photo by Are Ramstad

Look for interesting light.

Don't just rely on the golden hours for great light. Look for other interesting light sources, such as backlighting, side lighting, and reflections. These can add drama and interest to your shots.

Pay attention to the direction of the light.

The direction of the light can have a big impact on the mood and atmosphere of a scene. Soft, diffused light can create a peaceful, ethereal atmosphere, while harsh, direct light can create contrast and drama.

Dramatic light by Innerdals tårnet

the direction of the light, clouds and time of day is all factors that determine the light in a photo.

Photo by Are Ramstad

Use filters to control the light.

Filters, such as polarizing filters and ND filters, can help to control the light in your shots. Polarizing filters can reduce reflections and enhance colors, while ND filters can help to balance the exposure in high-contrast scenes.

Image from adobe stock showing filters to illustrate a article about controlling and using light in landscape photography

Filters, such as polarizing filters and ND filters, can help to control the light in your shots

Adobe stock

Experiment with light.

Don't be afraid to experiment with light and try different techniques. Play with exposure, white balance, and other settings to see how they affect the light in your shots.

Soft autumn light

Soft morning light on an early autumn day.

Photo by Are Ramstad


light is an essential element in landscape photography. By learning to use it to your advantage and experimenting with different techniques, you can capture stunning, atmospheric images that truly showcase the beauty of the natural world

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